“We take a completely different view of Spread-Betting. That is why we are extraordinarily successful.”

- Neil G Van Luven

Bretcrown Commodities

Bretcrown Commodities is a company registered under the Companies Act with the “The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales under Registration Number **13315111**” and is wholly-owned by Neil G Van Luven who is also Trustee and Protector of The Bretcrown Trust. The Trust was formed on 24th November 1989 as a SPV for properties, acquisitions & other assets for the benefit of the Trust’s beneficiaries. The Bretcrown Trust also manages certain assets. Neil G Van Luven is Asset Manager and Joint Trustee.

Bretcrown Commodities is a leading Fintech commodities analytical company based in the United Kingdom and provides unique and extraordinarily successful trading strategies on crude oil and other commodities. Since its establishment, Bretcrown Commodities has been using the latest technologies and its proprietary trading tools to practice its trading on Simulation trading platforms, producing extraordinary returns with negligible risk, whether the markets are rising or falling.

This 'Simulation' trading covered many thousands of trades with a handful of platforms over a period exceeding one year where it repeated its winning tactics.of helping more small businesses succeed. When I met Rose, I knew the opportunity had finally arrived. We quickly bonded over our desire to work with entrepreneurs, and within the year Bloom Coaching was born. We now have the pleasure of working with aspiring business owners and entrepreneurs from all over the world.

The company has developed novel trading strategies that bring nearly zero trading risk and almost always result in profits, as opposed to the traditional trading strategies which have been used for many decades and are not as effective. The company focused on converting numerous trading strategies into a complex algorithm logic while making sure the strategies are utilised to achieve their full potential.

The concept came to the founder’s attention when he experimented with buying and selling Crude Oil via spread-betting and CFD’s. He realised that by not following the traditional strategies, better results could be obtained. He tested his theory, and the result was that he produced $1,129,030 from an initial investment of $38,673, in fourteen weeks. The next step is to convert the improved trading strategies into an algorithmic approach. He then also authored a book on the subject which is available in Hardback, Paperback, and Kindle via Amazon and many of the top Book Stores in Europe and America.

The initial plan in resolving the uncertainties is to convert the trading strategies into algorithms with the help of a qualified team. It is necessary to perform extensive testing to modify and optimise algorithms and make sure the platform performs as required. However, it should be noted that the Company's successful trading strategies will only use algorithms as a tool which is augmented with the proprietary techniques and instincts of the trader.

The Path to Financial Success

Neil G Van Luven has authored a book on Crude Oil, based on his experiences.

It covers fourteen weeks from 23 November 2018 to 04 March 2019 when Neil transformed $38,673 into $1,129,030 by Spread-Betting Oil, taking advantage of the maximum Leverage offered by the Brokerage firm he selected. The success rate achieved was 92.6% of his Trades being profitable and only 7.4% resulting in losses by the number of Trades and 94.3% profitable with 5.7% losses by the monetary value of the Trades – all using Leverage of 4% or 1:25! There were 94 Trades in total, during this fourteen-week period, of which 57 were 'BUY' Trades and 37 were 'SELL' Trades. These results illustrate Neil's unique skill set as an Oil Trader.

The e-Book and paper-back versions are now available at Amazon

Day Trading

A Day-Trader is a Speculator in Securities, explicitly buying and selling Financial Instruments within the same trading day, such that Positions are Closed before the Market closes for the same Trading International day.

Traders who Trade in this capacity and with the motive of Profit are therefore Speculators, in contrast with the long-term trades underlying buy and hold and value investing strategies. Day-Traders normally exit Positions before the Market closes to avoid unmanageable risks - negative Price gaps between one day's close and the next day's price at the open.

Only very occasionally, a Trade may over-run the close of the business day, but customarily Trades are Closed before the Trading Day ends obtaining the best price possible.

Spread-Bets are complex instruments and come with an elevated risk of losing money rapidly due to Leverage, but Financial Spread-Betting is the tax-free way to take advantage of rising or falling markets. When the Trader opens a Spread-Betting Position on a Market, he is given a 'BUY' and 'SELL' Price either side of the underlying Market Price – this is the Spread. If the Trader thinks the Market will rise, he Opens the Spread-Bet at the ‘BUY’ Price. If the Trader thinks the Market will fall, he Opens at the ‘SELL’ Price. The more the market moves in the Trader’s favour, the higher his Profit. The more the market moves against the Trader, the higher his loss.

Spread-Betting is a form of derivatives trading that allows the trader to take a position on whether he thinks a Market will rise or fall, without having to buy the underlying asset. Importantly, Spread-Betting is a Leveraged transaction, which means the Trader only puts down a small deposit for much larger market exposure.

What Makes us Different?

The company utilises trading strategies that bring almost zero trading risk and with a success rate of profits exceeding 85%, as opposed to the traditional trading strategies which have been used for many decades and are not anywhere near as effective. The company focuses on converting twenty trading strategies into a complex algorithm logic while making sure the strategies are utilised to realise their full potential. The company will advance the field of software and ‘active’ rather than ‘passive’ algorithm development.

"We take a completely different view of Spread-Betting. That is why we are extraordinarily successful." says Neil Van Luven.

Primarily, we concentrate on Crude Oil, and one or two other precious metals Commodities, and some FX pairs. We do not allow other products or Commodities outside of this to distort or influence our judgment.

Next, we can decipher and understand the News that is relevant to our products as well as the geopolitical events globally that affect the prices of the products we work with.

We consider all relevant Technical Indicators including Bollinger Bands, Fibonacci Numbers and Lines, Exponential Moving Average, MACD, Pivot Point, Rate of Change, RSI and Standard Deviation and others, as appropriate.

We have the courage to take positions when it is time to do so after carefully considering all relevant factors.

All the above working in concert with our proprietary techniques and the instincts of the trader contribute to our exceptionally positive outcome.

Our processes often involve special reviews.

As one example, we examined previous WTI CRUDE positions on twelve 'positive' Trading International days selected at random and then compare these with BRENT CRUDE on the same days at the same trading times, i.e. between 06:00 GMT and 18:00 GMT.

This examination revealed that characteristically, BRENT CRUDE increased by 138 points per trading day, but WTI CRUDE only rose by 90 points per trading day for the same twelve trading days. This evidence strongly suggests how BRENT CRUDE should be designated by us.

Similarly, we conducted a comparative assessment using twelve different 'negative' trading days selected at random on the same days at the same trading times. The results showed both BRENT CRUDE and WTI CRUDE declining routinely, in points per day of 52 for BRENT CRUDE and 72 for WTI CRUDE. This evidence also strongly suggests how WTI CRUDE should be designated by us.

Given the results of this examination, our trades follow these suggested courses of action.

We will continue to conduct a similar analysis at regular intervals to ensure that we Open trades appropriately in the Global circumstances prevailing at the time.

Why Bretcrown Provides Consistent Profitable Results

  • We use Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci Numbers and Lines as part of our Technical Indicators among others, including Exponential Moving Average, MACD, Pivot Point, Rate of Change, RSI, and Standard Deviation.

  • We always use ‘Force Open’ trading.

    In the absence of ‘Force Open’ trading, the Service Platform typically nets out the Position, effectively Closing the original trade to register the new trade which does not happen with ‘Force Open’ trading because both trades run in parallel, simultaneously.

    Force Open enables us to 'hedge' by opening new trades on 'BUY' and 'SELL' Positions simultaneously when there is no definite reason to select just one.

    Geopolitical factors of which there are many, that do not directly influence the Price of our product are extraneous to us and for the most part peripheral to our Trading International. However, Reports or events that have a direct bearing on our products continue to be analysed and factored in. We sift through the ‘White Noise’ and concentrate on and consider only the factors that impact the daily Price of the product we are working with.

  • We use a trading practice we invented known as Sculpting, not to be confused with scalping. Scalping is taking advantage of small price movements by opening then closing trades in seconds or at most a few minutes. Sculpting is a skill where the trade depends on price movement and could vary from seconds to hours but still termed as day-trading as trades are closed before the end of the trading day. Sculpting is much more surgical and precise and depends on proprietary procedures and the instincts of the trader.

  • We also use Trailing Stops. A Trailing Stop order is a specific type of ‘Stop-Loss’ that automatically follows our Position if the Market rises, securing our Profit, but it will remain in place if the Market falls – Closing out the Position if the Market moves against us. A Trailing Stop Order does not set the Stop Level at a specific price, but rather at a certain distance away from the current Market price. It would be placed below the current Market price if we open a 'BUY' Trade, and above the current Market price if we open a 'SELL' Trade. A Trailing Stop is set at a certain amount of points away from the Market price – this distance is the Trailing Stop – and the Stop will move to maintain that distance from the current price.

Our Credentials

In 1989, The Bretcrown Trust was formed.

The Bretcrown Trust is a Discretionary Trust. Its Trustees created a trading operation to concentrate only on certain products. The operation is Bretcrown Commodities Ltd which holds separate multi-currency Bank Accounts.

All funds are kept separate from Bretcrown activities to preserve the integrity of and safeguard all funds. Each fund is set up in its own Bank Account to enable easy auditing.

Over the past 50 years, traditional trading strategies have not changed, and the traders have had to adhere to broad fixed strategies which have not significantly improved. There were no unconventional or modified strategies in the trading sector that would bring almost zero risks and would almost always be profitable. Because these strategies were non-existent, there were no trading platforms based on algorithms converted from unconventional and novel trading strategies. As a result, there was a lack of knowledge and capability on how to develop advanced algorithms that would always ensure almost zero trading risk while securing profitable returns most of the time.

A competent professional would have to, therefore, develop experimental algorithms and compare the digital trading within the platform to manual trading strategies, to determine whether the outcoming platform and its algorithms provide similar capabilities, such as low risk and reflective profits.